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Dr. Shayne Morris, Ph.D, CNS, MBA

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My life-long passion has been understanding, researching and building natural products to affect our health in amazing ways. Even after spending over 30 years following this dream, I frequently find myself in awe at how much I still have to learn. Understanding the complex world of nutrition, especially nutritional supplement and herbal medicinal products, is overwhelming and fraught with naïve up to outright deceptive representations. Important questions need to be explored honestly and more thoroughly such as: how these products work, how do we define quality, what does the science really tell us, and can we use ancient wisdom alongside modern technical advances to reverse chronic issues?

Shayne Morris has unique and broad experiences, for over 30 years, in the nutritional industry and scientific community. Trained first in the ways of natural product sourcing, quality, design and manufacturing which, quickly led to the pursuit of a formal education in chemistry, microbiology, and finally a Ph.D. in molecular biology and biochemistry. Passionate about owning a business in the industry, Dr. Shayne Morris also earned a Master’s in Business degree. He is an adjunct professor in chemistry at WSU and is a Certified Nutrition Specialist in the American College of Nutrition.

Dr. Shayne Morris has authored a number of peer-reviewed journal articles, scientific abstracts, talks and patents in the areas of biological chemistry, natural products and product development. Recent significant research is focused on our microbiome and the probiotic potential of unique human microbes. As part of Dr. Shayne Morris’ research his lab has developed unique growing and stabilizing methods for important commensal organisms like Bacteroides, Akkermansia, beneficial phage and more. Not only are personalized microbes important the nature of their food and metabolites are equally important to the microbiome as a whole and the human symbiosis. Therefore, prebiotic research has become an inseparable component of the probiotic research and in some cases more impactful than probiotics alone.

The goal of advancing research and also educating about the benefits of natural products, is a long family tradition that began decades ago with his grandfather “Doc” Stuart Wheelwright. Most of Dr. Shayne Morris’ educating and speaking experience centers on the natural practitioner seminar, training and industry events, although on occasion he gets opportunities to speak to students in the university setting.

Professionally, Dr. Shayne Morris entered the natural products in the 1980’s, spending the first decade producing products for some of the industry’s leading brands. In early 2000’s Dr. Shayne Morris served as Vice President of laboratory operations, research and development and product development for Nutraceutical Corp. In 2006, he became an owner of Systemic Formulas a professional line of supplements overseeing every aspect of business operations and finances. In particular, was the introduction of multiple new products every year, each requiring research, validation and clinical marketing. Dr. Shayne Morris’ also started a research and quality lab, still functioning to study medicinal herbs and microbiota.